
A cerca de...

Hi! Mi name is William Gruintal and I'll share with you my personal (and
other people's) experiences of rediscovering the secrets of The Mayan World; a
paradise that you must visit in your next vacation. In this blog I'll talk about
the opportunities available for tourists looking for an ecofriendly and
exiting experience far from the concrete of the big cities.

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I survived hurricane Dean

Is amazing how people in Mexico and other countries size any opportunity to make money even when there is people suffering from natural disasters just like hurricane Dean

Today I saw a note from TV Azteca (Mexico) mentioning that less than one week after the effects of the hurricane ended there are people selling T-shirts with stamps of "I survived hurricane Dean!" and the like.

I made a rapid search for this note and the first page I found was this one from a guy in the USA selling them. I hope people who buy this shirts decide also to donate some money to help the people who lost their material properties in the Costa Maya or the rest on Mexico.

At the moment I could not find the T-shirts from the guys in Mexico.